

A holnap sikere a ma együttműködése!

Ecological Farm and Bird-Nest Box Station
Antropogén világunk intenzív és sokszor erőszakos terjeszkedésével egyre szűkül a körülöttünk élő állatok élettere, és egyre gyakoribbá válik az emberi...
Street address
Szőlő utca 8.
Antropogén világunk intenzív és sokszor erőszakos terjeszkedésével egyre szűkül a körülöttünk élő állatok élettere, és egyre gyakoribbá válik az emberi és a vadvilág közötti interakció. Ebben a megváltozott világban kötelességünk mindent megtenni azért, hogy a természet rendjébe történő beavatkozás, a természetes ökoszisztémák megbolygatása és a természetes élőhelyek elvétele ne vonja maga után a vadvilág szenvedését.
Az utóbbi évtizedekben sokmindent elvettünk a természettől- ideje visszaadnunk neki!
Segítsük lehetőségünk szerint a körülöttünk élő állatok életben maradását a legkülönfélébb állatvédelmi eszközökkel és intézkedésekkel!
Az Ecological Farm and Bird-Nest Box Station egy eszközpark bővítéssel csatlakozik a World Wildlife Day 2025-ös kampányához: egy fél hektáros területet teszünk vadvilág-baráttá. Gondolunk a madarakra, a kisemlősökre és a hüllőkre, kétéltűekre is - és természetesen a legapróbb rovarok sem maradhatnak ki a sorból! Hiszen csak így, EGYÜTT van esélyünk egy élhető jövőt teremteni!

With the intense and often violent expansion of our anthropogenic world, the habitat of the animals around us is shrinking and human-wildlife interactions are becoming more frequent. In this changed world, it is our duty to do everything we can to ensure that interference in the natural order, the disturbance of natural ecosystems and the taking of natural habitats does not lead to the suffering of wildlife.
We have taken so much from nature in recent decades - it is time to give it back!
Let's help the animals around us to survive as much as we can, through a variety of conservation tools and measures.
The Ecological Farm and Bird-Nest Box Station is joining the World Wildlife Day 2025 campaign with a tool park extension: we are making a half hectare area wildlife-friendly.
We're thinking about birds, small mammals and reptiles, amphibians - and of course, the tiniest insects are not left out! Because only in this way, TOGETHER, do we have a chance to create a viable future!


Vadvilág Nap az Állatkertben // Wildlife Day at Budapest Zoo

Budapest Zoo and Botanic Garden
This year’s theme is Wildlife Conservation Finance: Investing in People and Planet. Our planet’s amazing biodiversity is priceless, but protecting it c...
Street address
Állatkerti körút 6-12. 1146
This year’s theme is Wildlife Conservation Finance: Investing in People and Planet. Our planet’s amazing biodiversity is priceless, but protecting it comes at a cost. Hundreds of billions of dollars are needed each year to close the global wildlife finance gap – a gap that we must bridge to ensure the survival of species and the ecosystems that sustain us all. Wildlife finance is more than a tool – it’s a commitment. A commitment to the planet, wildlife and plants, and a shared future where nature and humanity thrive together.
We are preparing to celebrate this again this year: we are waiting for everyone with feeding demonstrations, crafts and educational programs on March 1st, at our Wildlife Day event!

About the programs in advance:
Ask the conservationists!
In addition to the exciting discoveries at the stations of the invited conservation organizations and the Zoo, you can also ask the experts your questions.

Zookeepers' programs combined with feeding shows: Meet the ambassadors of endangered species and their zookepers at short lectures held at the animal enclosures!

More about the Zoo's mission of nature conservation and wildlife rescue!
With the help of our zooeducators, you can learn more about the Zoo's mission of nature conservation and wildlife rescue. Due to the unpredictable weather, the event stations are primarily planned for indoor spaces.

Detailed program coming soon!

Vadvilág Nap az Állatkertben // Wildlife Day at Budapest Zoo

Budapest Zoo and Botanic Garden
The UN General Assembly declared March 3 as World Wildlife Day. This date was chosen because the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Specie...
Street address
Állatkerti körút 6.
The UN General Assembly declared March 3 as World Wildlife Day. This date was chosen because the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES) was signed on this date in 1973. This year, the program focuses on developments in the digital world: how digital technologies and services can lead to the protection of wild animals and the coexistence of humans and wild animals for present and future generations in an increasingly connected world.
We are preparing to celebrate it this year with zookeeper's performances combined with feeding, handicrafts, and educational programs with our cooperating partners.