The U.S. Department of State, Bureau of Oceans and International Environmental and Scientific Affairs, Office of Conservation and Water, cordially invites you to attend a virtual event focused on the intersection between conservation and technology, what experts within each field can learn from one another, and how they can together break bottlenecks and surmount current obstacles to better combat wildlife trafficking. Following a keynote address by Peter Houlihan, Executive VP of Biodiversity & Conservation at XPRIZE Foundation, a first panel will discuss the general use, advancements, and limitations of technology in conservation efforts. Panelists will assess the application of artificial intelligence to camera trap and bio-acoustic data to more quickly isolate threats or identify wildlife. A second panel will explore how to better thwart the online trade of endangered and protected wildlife and wildlife products. The Coalition to End Wildlife Trafficking Online will provide an update on its efforts, and eBay will explain how its AI tools help keep trafficked wildlife products off their platform.
Introduction by Official, Bureau of Oceans and International Environmental and Scientific Affairs, U.S. Department of State
Keynote by Peter Houlihan, Visiting Assistant Professor at UCLA’s Institute for the Environment and Sustainability in the Center for Tropical Research and Congo Basin Institute, and Adjunct Professor at Johns Hopkins University in Environmental Science & Policy.
Panel 1: Technology in the field
· Dr. Jorge Ahumada, Wildlife Insights · Representative of the Pueblo of Santa Ana, New Mexico
· Nathan Garcia, former Governor of the Pueblo of Santa Ana, New Mexico (Tamaya)
· Moderator: Whitney Wiedeman, Acting Wildlife Division Chief, OES/ECW, U.S. Department of State
Panel 2: Online Sales
· Crawford Allan, Senior Director, Wildlife Crime at World Wildlife Fund
· Traci Andrighetti, Global Regulatory Specialist at eBay
· Lori Choquette, Special Agent in Charge of the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Wildlife Intelligence Unit
· Moderator: Whitney Wiedeman, Acting Wildlife Division Chief, OES/ECW, U.S. Department of State
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