We at TRAFFIC are proud to support this year's World Wildlife Day theme of Partnerships for Wildlife Conservation, as it is a strong reminder that humans and nature are fundamentally linked. TRAFFIC has just finished our new strategy to guide the organization through 2030. During the coming decade, we intend to align our work with the CITES Strategic Vision and the newly adopted Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework. Our updated mission is now to ensure that trade in wild species species is legal and sustainable for the benefit of the planet and people. Partnerships have always been part of TRAFFIC's DNA.
In particular, our collaboration with CITES and our founding partners of IUCN and WWF have created essential synergy for our work. In the coming decade, we intend to reach out to a wider range of partners than we have in the past. In particular, we seek to deepen our collaboration in the areas of one health, nature, crime, community empowerment and human rights and public-private action for sustainable supply chains. Our planet is in crisis and incremental changes no longer possible. We must work together to build robust and transformational partnerships at scale to achieve our collective ambition to halt and reverse biodiversity loss, to achieve nature-positive future.
Together, we will make a difference. Thank you.