

Zoo & Wild Animal Quiz Competition

Aspiring Veterinarians
An Online Quiz Competition on Quizziz App organized by Aspiring Veterinarians on 21st March, 2025 for promoting world wildlife day. Open to All. (V...
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An Online Quiz Competition on Quizziz App organized by Aspiring Veterinarians on 21st March, 2025 for promoting world wildlife day.

Open to All. (Vets and Non-Vets)
Opportunity to win exciting Prizes.


Seed Stories Exhibition | Celebration

oikos for ecological sevices
The event celebrates the importance of native seeds through poems and songs initiated by GOETHE Institute Max Muller Bhavan. This will be performed by ...
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Monalisa Kalagram
The event celebrates the importance of native seeds through poems and songs initiated by GOETHE Institute Max Muller Bhavan. This will be performed by India's renowned ecological restoration practitioners: Manasi Karandikar and Ketaki Ghate (co-founders of oikos for ecological services).
United States of America

World Wildlife Day at the Central Florida Zoo & Botanical Gardens

Central Florida Zoo & Botanical Gardens
Celebrate World Wildlife Day with us! Join us for our day filled with fun activities and opportunities to learn about wildlife trade, pets, and more! W...
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Celebrate World Wildlife Day with us! Join us for our day filled with fun activities and opportunities to learn about wildlife trade, pets, and more! We are also fundraising for Proyecto Titi, which is a conservation organization dedicated to Cotton Top Tamarinds.
Costa Rica

Environmental Comunitary Festival

Hatillo Verde
This is an environmental festival to promote environmental sensibilization of local communities in San José Costa Rica. A special feature of the activi...
San Jose
Street address
Av. 28
This is an environmental festival to promote environmental sensibilization of local communities in San José Costa Rica. A special feature of the activity is the collaborative work of several ngos, goverment and local communities.
Under the concept of "One Health" the agenda include sports, enironmental stands and circular economy, with art expressions and culture.
United States of America


Lord Howe Island Museum & Climate Heritage Network
World renown photographer Ian Hutton, who is the curator of the Lord Howe Island Museum, and award-winning oil artist Selva Ozelli from the Hudson Val...
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World renown photographer Ian Hutton, who is the curator of the Lord Howe Island Museum, and award-winning oil artist Selva Ozelli from the Hudson Valley teamed up to bring a taste of Lord Howe Island Group to the Cunneen Hackett Art Center with their art show titled “Paradise.”

This art show captures the wildlife beauty of Lord Howe Island Group which was inscribed on the World Heritage Register in 1982 under the United Nations' World Heritage Convention in recognition of its superlative natural phenomena and its rich terrestrial and marine biodiversity as an outstanding example of an island ecosystem developed from submarine volcanic origin containing a unique biota of plants and animals, as well as the world’s most southerly true coral reef. It is an area of spectacular and scenic landscapes with cloud forests encapsulated within a small land area. It provides important breeding grounds for colonies of seabirds, coral fish as well as a significant natural habitat for the conservation of threatened species.

Dialogue session on Biodiversity - DialoGreen

DialoGreen for Development and Environment
A Discussion Session for World Wildlife Day! 🐾🌱 World Wildlife Day is an opportunity to raise awareness about the importance of preserving nature an...
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A Discussion Session for World Wildlife Day! 🐾🌱

World Wildlife Day is an opportunity to raise awareness about the importance of preserving nature and its diverse resources. That's why we are hosting a discussion session to explore how we can contribute to protecting biodiversity and endangered species, as well as how human activities impact the environment as a whole.

💬 Topics we’ll discuss:

The importance of biodiversity in maintaining environmental balance!
The challenges facing wildlife in our world!
How we can be part of the solution and contribute to sustainable conservation!


Municipal Environment and Natural Resources Office - Local Government Unit of the Municipality of Brooke's Point, Province of Palawan, Philippines
Municipal Environment and Natural Resources Office (MENRO) Brooke's Point through the leadership of Mayor 𝗖𝗲𝘀𝗮𝗿𝗲𝗼 𝗥. 𝗕𝗲𝗻𝗲𝗱𝗶𝘁𝗼, 𝗝𝗿., hosted the 1𝘀𝘁...
Brooke's Point
Street address
Barangay Pangobilian
Municipal Environment and Natural Resources Office (MENRO) Brooke's Point through the leadership of Mayor 𝗖𝗲𝘀𝗮𝗿𝗲𝗼 𝗥. 𝗕𝗲𝗻𝗲𝗱𝗶𝘁𝗼, 𝗝𝗿., hosted the 1𝘀𝘁 𝗠𝘂𝗻𝗶𝗰𝗶𝗽𝗮𝗹𝗶𝘁𝘆 𝗖𝗲𝗹𝗲𝗯𝗿𝗮𝘁𝗶𝗼𝗻 𝗼𝗳 𝗪𝗼𝗿𝗹𝗱 𝗪𝗶𝗹𝗱𝗹𝗶𝗳𝗲 𝗗𝗮𝘆 with the localized theme: "Discovering Palawan's Wildlife: Celebrating Our Natural Heritage" Communication, Education, and Public Awareness Seminar Workshop.

Youth Urban Ecosystems

Sustainable Design 11 (SD11)
In celebration of World Wildlife Day 2025, SD11 Youth Community is proud to announce the launch of our flagship initiative, 'Youth Urban Ecosystem...
Phnom Penh
Street address
Phnom Penh
In celebration of World Wildlife Day 2025, SD11 Youth Community is proud to announce the launch of our flagship initiative, 'Youth Urban Ecosystems.' This program will empower youth collaboration at local, national, regional, and global levels to build, preserve and strengthen sustainable urban ecosystems. This initiative will specifically focus on fauna and flora enrichment within cities, urban forests, and green implementation spearheaded by youth. Building on our participation in the World Wildlife Day Regional Youth Symposium 2025 and our panel discussion, “Building Healthier Urban Communities through Green and Public Spaces,” at the Phnom Penh Houseplant Festival on March 1st and 2nd respectively, we are prioritising this project as a key initiative. To further engage youth, we will launch a “7-day campaign”, beginning today, to share seven youth perspectives on their role in protecting and promoting urban ecosystems.
United States of America

World Wildlife Day with Golden Karma Trail Tails

Annette Skiendziel at Golden Karma Trail Tails
Through Golden Karma Trail Tails, Spirit, our Golden Retriever mascot, brings viewers on his golden energy journey to share inspiring tales from the na...
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Through Golden Karma Trail Tails, Spirit, our Golden Retriever mascot, brings viewers on his golden energy journey to share inspiring tales from the natural world. Through Spirit, one gets to learn about and experience the healing and restorative effects of nature by taking a virtual walk in the woods, meeting Spirit's many friends, and soaking in the positive energies found in the wild.

On World Wildlife Day, Spirit will share a short video in which he talks about the various animals in the wild – from bees to whales – who make a significant contribution to the greater good and how biodiversity is essential to maintain our planet's health. See link to video in "link" field.

Learn, Think, Act for Wildlife!

CITES Secretariat et Bioparc Genève
Learn, Think, Act for Wildlife! Monday, 3 March | 3:00PM-4:00PM Bioparc Genève Open to the public - free, in-person participation only. No reg...
Street address
Rte de Valavran 33
Learn, Think, Act for Wildlife!

Monday, 3 March | 3:00PM-4:00PM

Bioparc Genève

Open to the public - free, in-person participation only. No registration required.

The Bioparc Genève welcomes you to join their World Wildlife Day 2025 activities to learn, think and act for endangered wild animals!

Learn about the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES) from CITES Secretary-General Ms Ivonne Higuero and discover the stories of the macaws, lemurs, lynxes and other fauna (even Janus the two-headed tortoise!) on a free guided tour of the park by Bioparc Director Dr Tobias Blaha!

Think and test your knowledge of the species in the park through the World Wildlife Day 2025 Contest (to win a free guided feeding of the lemurs)!

Act for wildlife conservation by bringing a stone to help build the Bioparc reptile solarium!

Wildlife Crime with John Scanlon AO and Prof. Phill Cassey

Zoos South Australia / University of Adelaide
This World Wildlife Day, we highlight the urgent and pervasive challenge of wildlife crime. Illegal wildlife trade is a multi-billion-dollar industry, ...
Street address
1 Frome Road
This World Wildlife Day, we highlight the urgent and pervasive challenge of wildlife crime. Illegal wildlife trade is a multi-billion-dollar industry, driven by demand for exotic pets, traditional medicine, luxury goods, and trophies. Weak legal frameworks, corruption, and inadequate enforcement allow traffickers to operate with impunity, while limited resources hinder conservation efforts in the fight against poaching and trafficking.

The transnational nature of wildlife crime complicates enforcement, with online platforms further enabling anonymous illegal trade. Meanwhile, habitat destruction from deforestation and climate change, along with human-wildlife conflict, pushes communities toward poaching, accelerating species decline. Despite these many challenges, we are successfully combatting many illegal wildlife trade efforts.

To explore this critical issue, we are joined by two distinguished experts: John E. Scanlon, an international environmental leader with a distinguished career in law, policy, and conservation, and Prof. Phill Cassey, head of the Wildlife Crime Research Hub at the University of Adelaide. Together, they will help unravel the complexities of this global crisis.

A holnap sikere a ma együttműködése!

Ecological Farm and Bird-Nest Box Station
Antropogén világunk intenzív és sokszor erőszakos terjeszkedésével egyre szűkül a körülöttünk élő állatok élettere, és egyre gyakoribbá válik az emberi...
Street address
Szőlő utca 8.
Antropogén világunk intenzív és sokszor erőszakos terjeszkedésével egyre szűkül a körülöttünk élő állatok élettere, és egyre gyakoribbá válik az emberi és a vadvilág közötti interakció. Ebben a megváltozott világban kötelességünk mindent megtenni azért, hogy a természet rendjébe történő beavatkozás, a természetes ökoszisztémák megbolygatása és a természetes élőhelyek elvétele ne vonja maga után a vadvilág szenvedését.
Az utóbbi évtizedekben sokmindent elvettünk a természettől- ideje visszaadnunk neki!
Segítsük lehetőségünk szerint a körülöttünk élő állatok életben maradását a legkülönfélébb állatvédelmi eszközökkel és intézkedésekkel!
Az Ecological Farm and Bird-Nest Box Station egy eszközpark bővítéssel csatlakozik a World Wildlife Day 2025-ös kampányához: egy fél hektáros területet teszünk vadvilág-baráttá. Gondolunk a madarakra, a kisemlősökre és a hüllőkre, kétéltűekre is - és természetesen a legapróbb rovarok sem maradhatnak ki a sorból! Hiszen csak így, EGYÜTT van esélyünk egy élhető jövőt teremteni!

With the intense and often violent expansion of our anthropogenic world, the habitat of the animals around us is shrinking and human-wildlife interactions are becoming more frequent. In this changed world, it is our duty to do everything we can to ensure that interference in the natural order, the disturbance of natural ecosystems and the taking of natural habitats does not lead to the suffering of wildlife.
We have taken so much from nature in recent decades - it is time to give it back!
Let's help the animals around us to survive as much as we can, through a variety of conservation tools and measures.
The Ecological Farm and Bird-Nest Box Station is joining the World Wildlife Day 2025 campaign with a tool park extension: we are making a half hectare area wildlife-friendly.
We're thinking about birds, small mammals and reptiles, amphibians - and of course, the tiniest insects are not left out! Because only in this way, TOGETHER, do we have a chance to create a viable future!

Russian Federation

World Wildlife Day 2025 in Russia

FAO Liaison Office with the Russian Federation
On 20 December 2013 at the 68th Session of the United Nations General Assembly (UNGA), March 3 was declared United Nations World Wildlife Day (WWD). Th...
Street address
Леонтьевский переулок 9
On 20 December 2013 at the 68th Session of the United Nations General Assembly (UNGA), March 3 was declared United Nations World Wildlife Day (WWD). This day holds significance as the day that the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES) was signed in 1973.
People everywhere rely on wildlife and biodiversity-based resources to meet our needs - from food, to fuel, medicines, housing, and clothing. For us to enjoy the benefits and the beauty that nature brings us and our planet, people have been working together to make sure ecosystems are able to thrive and plant and animal species are able to exist for future generations.
In 2025, World Wildlife Day is be celebrated under the critical theme of "Wildlife Conservation Finance: Investing in People and Planet."
On 3 March 2025 FAO Liaison Office with the Russian Federation together with UNEP and the National Committee of the UN Decade for Ecosystems Restoration in Russia organizes a press conference at TASS News Agency and a conference at the UN House in Moscow.

World Wildlife Day Celebration

Dr. Aman Verma, Assistant Professor
The proposed program will focus on Wildlife Habitat Management, which will be initiated by removing plastics and trash while walking through the campus...
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The proposed program will focus on Wildlife Habitat Management, which will be initiated by removing plastics and trash while walking through the campus and its environs. Clean and green initiative will help wildlife thrive and enhance the condition of corridors for migratory birds and wildlife.
Besides, The Department of Zoology warmly invites all undergraduate and postgraduate students to participate in the Poster Presentation Competition on the following thematic areas:
Endangered Species
Wildlife Habitat and Management
Wildlife Conservation
Himalayan Wildlife and Environment
Climate Change and Mitigation
Wildlife Ecology and Diversity
Digital Innovation in Wildlife Conservation
Nature Based Solutions to Environmental Issues

Observance of the World Wildlife Day 2025, Manipur University

Department of Zoology, Manipur University
The event shall be marked by talks, demonstrations on Wildlife in order to draw attention to their need for conservation.
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The event shall be marked by talks, demonstrations on Wildlife in order to draw attention to their need for conservation.

Protect the wildlife

Ana Maria Matei
The Pre-year 5 students will recognize different endangered animals and will create their own posters.
Al Wukair
Street address
The Pre-year 5 students will recognize different endangered animals and will create their own posters.

United Nations Celebration of World Wildlife Day 2025!

CITES Secretariat, Geneva Environment Network, UN Development Programme
The high-level event for UN World Wildlife Day 2025 will take place on 3 March 2025 at the Palais des Nations in Geneva, Switzerland (10:00AM-12:00PM C...
Street address
Palais des Nations
The high-level event for UN World Wildlife Day 2025 will take place on 3 March 2025 at the Palais des Nations in Geneva, Switzerland (10:00AM-12:00PM Central European Time).
Experts from around the world and International Geneva will highlight innovative financial mechanisms for wildlife conservation and share actionable pathways to mobilize the financial resources for investing in the future of our planet. This event will feature a musical performance with medicinal plants, an expert panel discussion on the 2025 theme, statements from Member States, the announcement of the winner of the International Youth Art Contest, and a trailer premiere of the 2025 Jackson Wild Film Showcase!

Interpretation in English, French and Spanish will be available.

The event will also be livestreamed on Youtube:

Célébration de la journée mondiale de la vie sauvage 2025

Conservation des forêts de la Wilaya de Relizane
A l’occasion de la célébration de la Journée mondiale de la vie sauvage, qui tombe le 3 mars de chaque année, et dont le thème de cette année était « F...
Street address
University of Relizane
A l’occasion de la célébration de la Journée mondiale de la vie sauvage, qui tombe le 3 mars de chaque année, et dont le thème de cette année était « Financement de la conservation de la vie sauvage : investir dans les pour l’humanité et la planète », La Conservation des forêts de la Wilaya de Relizane, en coordination avec la Faculté des sciences naturelles et de la vie de l’Université de Relizane a organisé une journée d’étude et de sensibilisation au profit des étudiants de Master 1, deuxième et troisième année spécialité Environnement et Environnement, où une présentation a été faite sur la vie sauvage dans la Wilaya de Relizane et le rôle de l'administration des forêts et de la recherche scientifique dans la préservation de cette importante diversité végétale et animale face aux graves menaces. Enfin, une opération de plantation symbolique a été réalisée avec la participation des professeurs et des étudiants de la faculté.

Navigating Conflicts for Coexistence

The Department of Forestry and the Department of Journalism at Sir Syed College, Taliparamba, are jointly organizing an academic observance of World Wi...
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The Department of Forestry and the Department of Journalism at Sir Syed College, Taliparamba, are jointly organizing an academic observance of World Wildlife Day 2025 under the theme "Human-Wildlife Interface: Navigating Conflicts for Coexistence." The event aims to promote a comprehensive understanding of the multifaceted challenges posed by human-wildlife conflicts and the critical need for fostering coexistence through sustainable conservation practices.

Human-wildlife conflicts have emerged as a pressing global challenge, particularly in the wake of rapid habitat fragmentation, climate change, and expanding human settlements. Addressing these conflicts requires a nuanced understanding of ecological, socio-economic, and cultural dimensions. The program aspires to provide a platform for academic discourse and creative engagement, bridging scientific inquiry with visual narratives to inspire innovative solutions for harmonious coexistence.

As part of the event, a Photography Competition will be conducted to encourage participants to document the dynamic interactions between humans and wildlife. The competition invites photographic submissions that depict various aspects of human-wildlife interface, including conflicts, coexistence, and conservation efforts. The visual representations are expected to provoke critical reflections on the underlying causes of conflicts and the need for inclusive conservation strategies.

In addition, a Documentary Screening will showcase thought-provoking visual narratives that delve into human-wildlife conflict scenarios from both global and local perspectives. The documentary screening will be followed by an interactive discussion session, providing an opportunity for participants to engage in critical conversations on the ecological, social, and ethical dimensions of human-wildlife interactions.

Wildlife and Environmental protection Advocate

Talia Birungi Kandole
I am the 2nd queen for Little Miss Wildlife Uganda and a green advocate for the Little Hands Go Green initiative at Trinity Primary School in Bukoto. O...
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I am the 2nd queen for Little Miss Wildlife Uganda and a green advocate for the Little Hands Go Green initiative at Trinity Primary School in Bukoto. On International Wildlife Day, I will host one hour in creating awareness I am the 2nd queen for Little Miss Wildlife Uganda and a green advocate for the Little Hands Go Green initiative at Trinity Primary School in Bukoto. On International Wildlife Day, I will host a one-hour awareness session at my school to educate students about wildlife. During this session, we will explore the importance of wildlife and discuss ways in which children can get involved in its protection. It all starts with understanding why wildlife matters and how we can contribute as young advocates. Education is a vital investment in wildlife protection.

The school challenges will include activities like dance, drawing, and writing about wildlife. We will focus on our favorite animals and discuss why they are important and how we can protect them. at my school (Trinity Primary School) to educate students about wildlife. We will explore the importance of wildlife and discuss ways in which children can get involved in its protection. It starts with understanding why wildlife matters and how we can contribute as young advocates. Education is a good investment in wildlife protection. school challenges will include dance, drawing, writting about wildife. picking onto our favourite animals why and how we can protect them

Salvemos la Vida Silvestre del Desierto

Jefatura de MedioAmbiente del Gobierno Municipal de Delicias
Tendremos pláticas y eventos de conservación en materia de vida silvestre en especies nativas y endémicas de Chihuahua, integración con primarias y sec...
Street address
Calle Central
Tendremos pláticas y eventos de conservación en materia de vida silvestre en especies nativas y endémicas de Chihuahua, integración con primarias y secundarias toda una semana.
United States of America

World Wildlife Day 2025 @ Arcadia Ecohome

Dr. Edward Huang
CIEDM is programmed to hold an observational walk at Arcadia Ecohome, a Certified Wildlife Habitat as part of CIEDM's citizen science project and ...
Street address
1313 8th Ave
CIEDM is programmed to hold an observational walk at Arcadia Ecohome, a Certified Wildlife Habitat as part of CIEDM's citizen science project and to share online the outcome of the observations.

World Wildlife Day with the Greater Vancouver Zoo

Greater Vancouver Zoo
This World Wildlife Day, we celebrate the inspiring journeys of our rescued residents: Cosmo and Sun, two lively lemurs; Boomer and Pumpkin, the Africa...
Street address
5048 264 St
This World Wildlife Day, we celebrate the inspiring journeys of our rescued residents: Cosmo and Sun, two lively lemurs; Boomer and Pumpkin, the African lions; and the trio of tortoises. Once victims of illegal wildlife trafficking, they now live in a permanent home under our care. Join us to honour their resilience and learn how you can support wildlife conservation.

Spotlight Times:
Tortoise: 11am
Lemur: 12am
Lion: 1:30am

World Wild Life Day Ambernath Badlapur Road, Ambernath , Thane Maharashtra India.

Department of Zoology, SICES Degree College of Arts, Science and Commerce,
Department of Zoology of SICES College, Ambernath,Thane, Maharashtra , India is conducting 2 online activities like Photography competition, Quiz comp...
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Department of Zoology of SICES College, Ambernath,Thane, Maharashtra , India is conducting 2 online activities like Photography competition, Quiz competition and 2 offline activities like elocution competition and Poster presentation competition to create awareness of wildlife conservation.
Jyothi V.Mallia, Ph.D
Incharge of Department of Zoology
Co-ordinator of the activity "World Wildlife Day -2025"
SICES College, Ambernath (W)